Some possible MicroXML design goals

I think we've now waited long enough for news of this CG to percolate
through to interested parties, so let's get cracking.

I suspect that one of the hardest parts of this effort will be to get
consensus on what the point of MicroXML is. I don't want the process
to be too heavyweight here, so perhaps one way to get started is to
generate a short list of design goals, analogous to the design goals
at the start of the XML 1.0 spec.  Here's a very rough first attempt:

1. The syntax of MicroXML shall be a subset of XML 1.0
2. MicroXML shall define a data model as well as a syntax
3. MicroXML shall be dramatically simpler than XML as regards its
specification, syntax and data model
4. MicroXML shall be designed to complement rather than replace XML,
5. MicroXML shall support the needs of documents, in particular mixed content
6. MicroXML shall support Unicode
7. MicroXML shall facilitiate the creation of documents that are
simultaneously well-formed MicroXML and valid HTML5


Received on Tuesday, 24 July 2012 02:22:54 UTC