Re: Subset Data Model

Daniel Sullivan scripsit:

> The api's that are used to read XML can also be used to read uxml. But
> it wouldn't be unusual for an application to use one of those api's to
> read, say uxml, then modify the model the api produces, then serialize
> the results. I don't think there is anything that would guarantee
> that an xml api that read uxml would then serialize to uxml. Is that
> an issue?

I don't think so.  There are several different serializations for XDMs,
and more to come in XDM 3.0, but there is no document format that can
serialize an arbitrary XDM without loss anyway.  (Consider the XDM
consisting of a sequence of numbers.)

In my last lifetime,                            John Cowan
I believed in reincarnation;          
in this lifetime,                     
I don't.  --Thiagi

Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 14:41:44 UTC