Attribute values

I noticed that attribute values are defined thus...

attributeValue ::= '"' ((dataChar - '"') | charRef)* '"'
                  | "'" ((dataChar - "'") | charRef)* "'"

So, attributes may take the form foo="bar" or foo='bar' but not foo=bar

I further note that this definition does not distinguish between strings and tokens, by which I mean those sequences which contain spaces and those which don't.  

It seems that data types are not in scope for uXML, but I think that it could still be helpful to distinguish among strings and tokens, so as to allow foo=bar as a legitimate form of attribute value assignation.

Frankly, I would like to see data types baked into XML, by way of a corrigendum if necessary, but that is another discussion. 


Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 14:39:41 UTC