Re: REMINDER: 3 doodle polls to fill

2010/4/13 Raphaël Troncy <>:
> Dear all,
> Thanks for having filled in the polls. We are still missing the answers from
> Jack, Philip and Conrad.
>> Please, fill all these 3 doodle polls (only Silvia, Davy and I have
>> filled them):
>> -
> The best time slot for the telecon seems to be the current one (09:00 -
> 10:00 UTC). Sorry Davy, any chance you could make it? Therefore, I will not
> request another slot for Zakim but I would expect everybody to attend the
> telecon.

Maybe Wednesday is the problem? Would another day possibly be better?


Received on Tuesday, 13 April 2010 01:20:16 UTC