PRs in support of the Error resolution

Now is the time when the change hits the spec...

Given that there were no objections to Dan's latest proposal for how to
handle the situation with errors (basically use DOMError where possible
and define a new type using ECMAScript 6 terminology to define an error
type where we need to add extra info), we've now got the first PRs in
the queue.

The following PRs are ready to go in:

These use the DOMException type for our existing errors that don't have
extra data, and change a few names to be existing DOMException names:

SourceAvailableError -> NotReadableError
PermissionDeniedError -> SecurityError

Given previous discussion, I think this is a reasonable conclusion to
the matter of errors in "Media Capture and Streams".

Harald, chair hat on

Received on Friday, 12 June 2015 08:12:54 UTC