Constraints registration - opinion poll

We would like to make sure the TF has a consensus on the question of how 
to handle the definition of new constraints after the Media Capture and 
Streams document goes to Proposed Recommendation.

We made a decision in November 2011 - to use an IANA registry - and have 
documented that in our documents, but there has been considerable list 
traffic on the subject recently, and it is clear that not all TF members 
are certain that we made the right decision.

We want to figure out whether this is a case where the consensus has 
changed, whether there is no consensus in the TF, or whether we have a 
rough consensus for staying with the previous decision.

We are therefore sending out a Doodle poll, asking people to “stand up 
and be counted”. This is a poll to determine whether consensus exists, 
it is NOT a vote, so we’re asking the TF members to state their personal 
opinion on the matter, not a TF member company’s position.

We have five options, and three answers possible for each. Since we’re 
using Doodle, the number of words and the choices are sharply limited, 
so we’ll explain them more here.

YES - this means that you support this option, and will argue in favour 
of it.
(YES) - this means that you will not argue in favour of this option, but 
you are willing to live with this option if the group declares consensus 
for it.
NO - this means that you will argue against this option.

The five options are:

IANA registry - a registry run by IANA, with registration rules (a draft 
of which exists as an internet-draft) and an initial content described 
by “Media Capture and Streams”

Living document - we keep the Media Capture and Streams document open 
for editing for the foreseeable future, and revise it every time a new 
constraint is proposed.

Other document - we create some other document (or wiki, or website, or 
database, or…) that we keep open for editing, define some rules for, and 
expect to maintain for as long as there is a chance that we may need to 
define more constraints.

Decide later - this means we (whatever is left of the group by then, if 
the group has been dissolved it would have to be handled by W3C is some 
way) decide how deal with this when the first new constraint is proposed 
(and being implemented).

New idea - I have a new idea that I think we should consider.

“Yes” on the last one carries the requirement that you describe your 
idea in the poll comments. “No” on the last one indicates that you think 
the options are exhaustive enough that we don’t need to discuss more 

The Doodle poll is here:

The poll will remain open for one week; the chairs will attempt to 
extract a conclusion from the poll results after Thursday, June 11.

Harald and Stefan

Received on Thursday, 4 June 2015 08:12:07 UTC