Re: Initial draft of mediacapture-output spec posted

Hi Martin,  see my answers embedded.

Thanks - Philippe

> On Dec 18, 2014, at 1:34 AM, Martin Thomson <> wrote:
> On 17 December 2014 at 14:59, Philippe Joseph Cohen <> wrote:
>> I’ve provided my recommendation for the explicit consent in the github
>> issue: Let’s take it
>> from there.
> Where the discussion happens is probably a matter for the chairs to
> advise on.  I don't care where, but I'd rather not have it jump
> around.

I like the github issues approach. I found it very useful with the Audio API but will go whatever the chairs (and eventually editors?) will pick up.

> In any case, when it comes to enumeration, capture has a clear
> trigger.  A site asks for an input device, we show the prompt.  In
> that context, the site can provide some hints to influence selection
> toward sources that are acceptable to it.  Ultimately, the user
> chooses though and all other sources remain off-limits.  The key being
> that there is always a need for this consent process.
> If you already have an output device (and you always will), you need
> to be able to tell if that is the one you want, without any
> information.  Asking for carte blanche access to audio devices is one
> way to do that.  The other is to find some way for the site to present
> a choice to users.


> I've toyed with the idea of presenting previews for devices that could
> be used by sites to provide selection UX under their control.  That
> would allow sites to present a picker and users to make an informed
> selection from within content.  In this case, that would enable the
> creation of narrow grants.

I would like you to develop this idea.

> If I understand correctly, this only makes sense in browsers that have
> non-persistent permissions.  Persistent permissions, from my
> understanding, turn any grant into universal access.

This is not clear to me. Persistent permissions are per authenticated origins so users won’t grant twice the same site for the same permission. Did I misunderstood you?

Received on Thursday, 18 December 2014 16:27:20 UTC