Re: Response to comment: use of HTTP 501

OK, meanwhile I will mark your comment as resolved.


Le 08/09/2011 19:06, Matthew Seaborn a écrit :
> In the context of this API that seems fine.
> Obviously this is not part of the main HTTP 1.1 protocol, are there guidelines anywhere for implementing proprietary HTTP error codes?
> Thanks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Thierry MICHEL []
> Sent: 08 September 2011 15:47
> To: Matthew Seaborn;
> Subject: Response to comment: use of HTTP 501
> Dear Matthew,
> This is a Response to your comment send to the Media Annotion WG on Fri,
> 26 Aug 2011.
> Thank you very much for reviewing our document. Please excuse the delay in answering your request. The Media Annotation WG has discussed this issue during the 12th Face-to-Face meeting and agreed that the 501 status code does not fit our needs. In order to have a clear semantic, we have decided to declare our own status code, as follows:
> - Numerical Code: 562
> - Textual description: Property not supported
> - Example: only a subset of GET methods for properties implemented
> Please let us know ASAP, if you agree to our solution, as we plan to proceed to Proposed Rec next week.
> Best regards,
> Thierry Michel
> on behalf of the MAWG.

Received on Thursday, 8 September 2011 18:04:38 UTC