Decision needed before exit LC

Dear all,
Next week we want to vote on moving the Ontology doc to CR. For this reason we need to decide upon the following:

1) Relaxing ma:relation, Protagonist: Martin Höffernig

Decide whether to:
 i) Relax the constraint on ma:isRelatedTo, not restricted only to media resources.
 ii) use rdfs:seeAlso to link associated documents

2)  Should we change all datatypes for literal and provide definitions for the formats: according to Jean Pierre ?

3) Binary metadata formats, Protagonist: Silvia
( )

i) for OGG example, she can't provide *all* the properties mapping to the properties core set

ii) The format been binary formats she can't create an RDF file.

This conflicts with our exit criteria. Should we change those or is Sylvia missing something ?


Received on Tuesday, 17 May 2011 11:46:44 UTC