Re: Print Marging in ReSpec.js

Hi Florian,

On Jun 29, 2011, at 10:58 , Florian Stegmaier wrote:
> currently, we are using ReSec.js in our "API for Media Resource" specification [1]. Everything works really fine, but in a few places, the content will be lost if it is printed. This is mostly the case inside the automatically generated WebIDL section, where a interface definition gets lengthy (e.g., see 4.2 AsyncMediaResource interface). Would it be possible to have a print margin inserted?

I think that the primary problem is specifying how to get the WebIDL to wrap without losing its indentation, rather than adding a margin? Or have I misunderstood the issue? Do you have a print CSS that you think would work? If you do, please send it to me and I'll add it to the current CSS. Otherwise, if it's a WebIDL wrapping issue, then I'll open a bug for it — several people have tried to fix it and failed so far, so I'm afraid it may take me a little while to figure out what works :) Note that if it's the issue I think it is, then it probably affects non-ReSpec specs that have lines that are too long in any other situation as well. Not that that means I won't try to fix it, but I might have to resort to some ugly JS-based line-wrapping instead of CSS :)

Robin Berjon
  robineko — hired gun, higher standards

Received on Monday, 4 July 2011 21:18:32 UTC