Re: Re: [AGENDA] Media Annotations WG Teleconf - 2010-05-25

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Dear all,

I am sorry, but one of my Ph.D. students just got news that a close relative was killed in a car accident. I need to drive him. Please accept my apologies, though I did finish (in part) my action item.

Once I receive answers/comments to my email, I would be happy to continue editing, or of course someone else could take over.

I do hope someone is able to be on the call, this is spreading like a virus. :-)



--- Original Message ---

From : 
"Pierre-Antoine Champin"<>

To : 
"Joakim Söderberg"<>

Date : 
2010/05/25 Tuesday PM 6:02:45

Subject : 
Re: [AGENDA] Media Annotations WG Teleconf - 2010-05-25

my regrets as well for todays telecon. 


On 24/05/2010 14:57, Joakim Söderberg wrote: 

> Dear all, 

> Here is the agenda for our call tomorrow: 


> ------------------------------- 


> 1. Convene 


> Media Annotations WG 

> Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 6294 ("MAWG") 

> alternative dial numbers: 

> France (Nice): + 

> UK (Bristol) : +44.117.370.6152 

> IRC channel: #mediaann 

> Tuesday 2010-05-25 11:00-12:00 UTC, (ie, Amsterdam, Paris, Stockholm 13:00 ) 


> Expected: 

> Regrets: 


> Chair: Joakim 

> Scribe: TBA 


> Minutes to appear: _ 

> <> 


> Propose to accept: 

> _ 



> 2. Next meeting 

> 2010-05-31 



> 3. Items 


> [a] Action items: 

> _ 


> [b] Final call for LC 

> - Ontology doc (John ,Wonsuk, editors) 

> _ 


> - API doc (Chris, editors) 

> _ 




> [c] LC preparation (Thierry should be back by the end of May) 

> - LC initiation (when) 


> [d] Test Suite Progress 

> - A library to extract test cases for JavaScript libs: 

> _ (Florian) 

> - We have sample test data for: 

> MPEG-7 file describing a movie at 

> _ 

> (Werner) 

> 5 images: 

> _ 

> (Florian) 

> audio: (Tobias) 


> [e] RDFs task force update (Tobias) 

> _ 



> -- 

> Joakim Söderberg 



Received on Tuesday, 25 May 2010 10:19:19 UTC