Re: Why not use DC?

Hi Ron,

On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 7:55 AM, Ron Daniel
<> wrote:
> Earlier today I came across the Media Ontology for the first time. My
> initial reaction was one of dismay to see the copying of the Dublin Core
> elements into a different namespace.
> I understand that the group sees the ma: properties – not as replacements
> for the DC and other properties, but as identifiers for mappings between
> equivalent properties in various formats.

I might just add, this is a good summary of how many in the Dublin
Core have seen and described their work: as a common core shared by
otherwise diverse and fragmented information systems. For those new to
DC, this might not be so obvious.
eg. see

I'd also prefer to see DC terms used as the shared 'hub' here, where
there's a natural fit. There are plenty of places where a
media-specific ontology might be useful, but for the DC-like stuff,
reference rather than copy makes sense...



Received on Friday, 9 October 2009 08:15:36 UTC