Results of Questionnaire Survey of Mapping Formats for the Media

Results of Questionnaire Survey of Mapping Formats for the Media Annotation

-->12 answers have been received. (14 WG participants have not answered)
--> 3 questions:

     1- Media Formats preference
     2- Media Formats Straw-poll
     3- Choose 5 media formats


1- Media Formats preference
[Please indicate your preference to see the WG work on each of these 
Format in your particular case, from 1 (not at all) to 5 (very much).]
[Top 8 Formats] average

1- EXIF		3.91
2- Media RSS 	3.82
3- ID3 frames 	3.60
4- TV-Anytime 	3.60
5- MPEG-7	3.55
6- Youtube 	3.55
7- EBUCore 	3.50
8- MediaRDF Vocabulary (Video) 	3.36

2- Media Formats Straw-poll (Top 8)
[Please indicate which formats you would like to see (or not see) the WG 
work on].
[Top 8 Formats] - ranking
1	Media RSS
2	MediaRDF Vocabulary (Video)
4	ID3 frames
5	EBUCore
6	TV-Anytime
7	Youtube
8	MPEG-7

3- Choose 5 media formats (Top 8)
[Please choose 5 formats you would like to see the WG work on].
[Top 7 Formats]     number	Average
EXIF		    8       	0.67
MPEG-7 		    6 		0.67		
MediaRDF Vocabulary (Video) 6   0.50
Media RSS 	    6 	 	0.50
Youtube 	    6 		0.50
TV-Anytime 	    6 	 	0.50
ID3 frames 	    5 		0.42		


The following Top 5 formats seem to be a constant throughout the 3 
- EXIF 				
- Media RSS 	
- ID3 frames
- TV-Anytime 	
- MPEG-7	

Now the issues is which format do we want to retain?

- Do we want to keep formats to covert different type of media (images, 
audio, video) ?		
- Do we pick simple and complex formats ?
- other ?

Let's discuss this during our telecon today.


Received on Tuesday, 10 March 2009 11:00:34 UTC