Re: [mawg] ACTION-141: Update of rationale r09



2009/7/21 Tobias Bürger <>

> Dear all,
> here is my proposed update of the rationale of r09 ("Taking different roles
> in metadata processing into account") with respect to ACTION-141:
> Metadata is generated and being dealt with by different agents with
> different roles throughout the whole lifecycle of a media resource. We can
> distinguish between producers (e.g., a video camera or the producer of a
> media resource), changers (e.g., a person which modifies initially created
> metadata), and consumers (e.g., an application which processes metadata to
> make it accessible for search).
> If values of metadata properties which are, for instance, created my two
> different agents, are in conflict, a description of provenance information
> with respect to the roles but also the context of metadata creation of these
> values could be useful and should be taken into account. For instance, a
> manually created value by a human agent might be more reliable than an
> automatically created value by a software agent. Furthermore metadata
> produced by the creator of a particular media resource might be more
> accurate than metadata produced by a media consumer of this resource.
> If you think it is fine, then I can record the change in the use case
> document accordingly.
> Best regards,
> Tobias
> --
> _________________________________________________
> Dr. Tobias Bürger
> STI Innsbruck
> University of Innsbruck, Austria
> __________________________________________________

Received on Wednesday, 22 July 2009 07:43:34 UTC