Sample application of mappings: simple query of properties

Hi all,

I wrote a toy, sample application of mappings, see
It takes as an input currently MediaRSS and Goggle video site maps and
allows to query them on a metalevel. See as example inputs
mappings are definded for "assumed" properties title, description,
pubdate, tags, thumbnail, player.

Some thoughts:
- I think we should not deal with the problem of getting the metadata
out of an object but leave that to a low level API. In the case of the
above formats it was just an XML parser, but it could be anything else,
e.g. an XMP reader.
- (Known) isuses arise if we have different data types for the same
property, e.g. for pubdate in the above two cases.
- Other issues arise with repition of values, see e.g. the "tags
"property, though that might be a subproblem of the data type issue.

Looking forward for comments,


Received on Monday, 12 January 2009 08:39:31 UTC