Re: making our HTML+RDFa queryable

> Personally, I don't think mass crawling is the most useful Linked Data
> exploitation pattern. Small Smart Data is where I see interesting stuff
> happening on the client (consumer) side of things.

Amen to that. Small data is much more interesting.
We need to enable it.

> There are many agents consuming RDF constructed using terms.

Which ones? And what do they do with these terms?

And I mean this as in: let's maintain a list of such clients.
It's as important as the data.

> Remember, <script/> and the structured data island mechanisms has lead
> to an explosion of RDF using any combination of JSON-LD, Microdata,
> RDFa, and even Turtle.
> The Web Commons Data Report (referenced in my initial response)
> demonstrates what's out there.

As happy as I am about that data,
this is orthogonal to the question of clients:
how can regular consumers use that small data?

We need other metrics than number of triples
to define the success of the Semantic Web.

> Anyway, we agree on client tools. That's a good for now :)

Certainly. Let's think about maintaining such a list.
Then we can have yearly reports about clients
in addition to reports about data. (Both are needed.)


Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2017 18:10:53 UTC