Re: Proposal: register /.well-known/sparql with IANA

>> A good argument ... for using sitemapsˇ
> Yes, those too.
> Fundamentally, we need to give discoverability and associated patterns a lot
> more focus that has been done in the past. This is such a critical component
> for making Linked Data easier to discover and appreciate.

good point re discoverability but you need clients too.

 we rolled out something very simple to understand and deploy in
sitemap back in 2007 even.

it has a concept of "dataset" (each can have a dump a sparql endpoitn
and an extention used to serve resolvable uris)

a few data producers did actually implement it but the problem was on
the consumer side.

We consumed it ..okish at but nobody else did, because
there was no semantic web/linked data  client really ever.
focus was on "publish your data" and something will happen,

Can we think of a client that does something useful:

* for real and not for a made up use corner case easily solved with a
google search + 2 clicks.
* connected to the reality of everyday browsing and web usage e.g.
facebook, chrome browsing or mobile and not . So forget "alice wants
to publish her own foaf file. "
* generic enough and giving repeated value not to be a one off thing
not only usable in super narrow contexts.
* for real sustainability and growth, the value must be for both data
publisher and consumer,should be directly measurable in ways people
understand (roi etc)

the client, the use case == the value , everything follows from there.

Google etc clearly hits all the above except the client its
THEM and everyone goes trough them.

saying this in general for those not in specific to you kingsley :)


Received on Wednesday, 26 December 2012 07:51:14 UTC