National Radioactivity Stat of Japan as Linked Data

Hello folks,

Since the earthquake and the severe trouble at the Fukushima nuclear
power plant, the Japanese Government has provided certain amount of
data on radioactivities and other related issues. Although the effort
has been substantial, it "lacks basic metadata, such as the latitude
and longitude of sampling points or the sampling protocols used, and
results are presented as static PDFs from which researchers cannot
easily extract the data" as Nature pointed out [1].

So, here is an experimental RDF data of radioactivity statistics,
observed at 47 prefectures hourly since March 16 [2], converted from
the daily announcements by the Ministry of Education (via text data by
other volunteers). SPARQL endpoint is also provided.

I'm not sure how RDF data is useful for now, but hope the community
would find some ways to use it and help the world to understand our

Thank you.


@prefix : <> . <> :from [:name
"KANZAKI Masahide"; :nick "masaka"; :email ""].

Received on Monday, 18 April 2011 03:33:24 UTC