DBpedia-based entity recognition service / tool?

Dear LOD community,

I would be glad to hear your advice on how to best accomplish a simple task: 
extracting DBpedia entities (identified with DBpedia URIs) from a string of 
text. With good accuracy and recall, possibly with some options to 
constraint the recognized entities to some subset of DBpedia, based on 
categories. The tool or service should be performant enough to process large 
numbers of strings in a reasonable amount of time.
Given the prolific creation of tiny tools and services in this community I 
am puzzled about my inability to find anything that accomplishes this task.
Could you point me to something like that? Are there tools/services for 
Wikipedia that I could use?
Zemanta seems to be too much geared towards 'enhanced blogging', while 
OpenCalais does not return Wikipedia/DBpedia identifiers. Please correct me 
if I am wrong.


Received on Tuesday, 2 February 2010 13:21:36 UTC