CFP: 1st Workshop on Mobile Social Semantic Web (in ASWC 2009)

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                  Call for Papers
      1st Workshop on Mobile Social Semantic Web
                    (MSSW 2009)

                In conjunction with
        The 4th Asian Semantic Web Conference
                    (ASWC 2009)
                6-9 December 2009
                 Shanghai, China


The mobile space involves interaction between millions of mobile
phones, sensor devices and Websites. As part of the ubiquitous
computing paradigm, it has become one of the most important
information spaces in our modern society. Following the fast
development of diverse mobile phones and sensor devices, users are now
able to create and maintain their profiles in the mobile space,
informing other users of their interests and life styles. The
combination of social software, semantic technologies, and mobile
phones and sensor devices will open up new services and business

This phenomenon is further accelerated by the abundant sensor and
social data on the Web. Nowadays, huge number of people of different
backgrounds participate in online social Websites, such as MySpace,
Facebook, and Twitter. The integration of these social networking
functions with mobile devices has led to even more interactions on the
mobile space. As a result, the problem of interoperability of social
data on the Web has also found its way into the mobile space. Semantic
Web technologies have already been applied in mobile sensors networks
to annotate sensor data. As the mobile space becomes a platform of
online social interactions, it is necessary to make new efforts to
integrate the Social Semantic Web and Semantic Sensor Web, so as to
facilitate social exchange on the mobile space.

Although many efforts from both Social Semantic Web and Semantic
Sensor Web allow us to produce and consume meaningful data, mobile
environments and applications need different or enhanced approaches to
handing both social data and sensory data. The goal of this workshop
is to provide a platform for discussing research topics underlying the
concepts of Social Semantic Web on mobile devices and sensors.
Participants can look forward to:

* discuss approaches to facilitate social semantic data on mobile devices;
* present innovative social mobile applications;
* perform critical research and present practical issues associated
with Social Semantic Web on mobile environments.

By bringing together representatives of academia and industry, the
workshop also provides a venue for identifying new research problems
and disseminating results of research and practices.


Topics of Interests

The aim of this workshop is to cover all aspects that relate to
research and practical issues of Social Semantic Web and Mobile Web.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

* Social content sharing and distribution services on mobile devices
* Ontologies for Mobile Web: developing and using ontologies on mobile
* Enriching social data with semantic on application stores (Apple,
Nokia, RIM, etc.)
* Producing use cases of Social Semantic Web on application stores
* Social and semantic microblogging
* Social Semantic Web on mobile devices: encouraging Social Web and
Semantic Web technologies
* Mobile Social Search
* Social Tagging and Folksonomies on mobile devices
* Linked Data on Mobile Web
* Mobile user interfaces
* Social networks and Mobile Web
* Mobile Semantic Mash-ups

Submission Details

The following types of contributions are welcomed:

* Full technical papers, up to 12 pages.
* Short technical papers and position papers, up to 6 pages.
* Posters and Demos, 2-3 pages with a description of the application,
ideally accompanied with a link to an online demo.

Paper submissions will have to be formatted in the style of the
Springer Publications format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS). Submissions will be made using EasyChair Conference System (


Important dates

* Submission deadline: October 22 2009
* Notification to authors: November 2 2009
* Camera ready: November 9 2009
* Workshop: December 7 2009


Workshop Co-Chairs

* Stefan Decker, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Ireland,
* Haklae Kim, Samsung Electronics, Seoul, Korea
* Lei Shu, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Ireland
* Ching-man Au Yeung, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK


PC Members

* John Breslin, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
* Min Chen, Seoul National University, South Korea
* Takahiro Hara, Osaka University, Japan
* Han-Chieh Chao, National ILan University, Taiwan
* Lei Wang, Dalian University of Technology, China
* Yan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
* Zhangbing Zhou, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Ireland
* Hoyil Han, LeMoyne-Owen College, USA
* Manfred Hauswirth, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Ireland
* Alvin Chin, Nokia Research, Beijing, China
* Yutaka Matsuo, University of Tokyo, Japan
* Ed Chi, PARC, USA
* Andreas Harth, Institute AIFB at the Universitaet Karlsruhe, Germany
* Brahmananda Sapkota, University of Twente, Netherlands


Received on Friday, 25 September 2009 07:49:07 UTC