Re: Links from Myspace to Musicbrainz

>> this would be nice actually i think, even though a bit redundant.
> I agree, but I don't think its redundant. The regex works because we
> can reliably pick apart the uri in this case, but not something to
> generally encourage. After all these relationship between identifier
> and homepage might change in the future, c.f. Facebook profile url
> changes. So a little redundancy might make things a little easier(*)
> and a little more future-proof.
> Cheers,
> L.
> * I can't do that regex trick in pure SPARQL for example, which is how
> I'm doing the basic cross-linking at the moment.

you're right.  redundant was the wrong word.  also note that the
myspace endpoint contains mo:musicbrainz properties in addition to
owl:sameAs links for artists matched to musicbrainz.  i agree
dbtune/musicbrainz should do the same :-)

Received on Thursday, 16 July 2009 11:18:04 UTC