

1) Re: joining "a like minded team that can work on solving this most important problem plaguing semantic web currently."

A big  yes' to that!
On top of that: there is a number of techniques to work as a team on FUZZY aka complex problems, especially those that engage experts from various domains. One session might take up to a couple months and will give guaranteed results. 

2) re: creating semantic content. The people who work in this area are still holding to the same views on semantics as Wittgenstein (Aristotle), and they do not have tools to question that.  
Simply put: in order to yield results that will resemble human thinking more the newly created  semantic' software has to add couple more cycles into the loop. Details need a separate discussion. 

I live in Waterloo, Canada, and would love to hear about options to team up for what Ravinder, and Milton Ponson, and many others call.

Trained as a linguist,

Received on Monday, 27 October 2008 09:07:26 UTC