Re: Notes from INSPIRE 2014

Hi, Frans

> [snip]
> I was not present in Aalborg, so I thank Andrea and Michael for the report!

A pleasure!

> I wonder how to interpret the concluding remark: "The impression we got is
> that, although there is still interest in replicating geo standards with Semantic Web  technologies, the idea of
> "bringing geo data on the Web" seems to be the prevalent trend in the
> INSPIRE community."
> This seems to show that there are two schools of thought that have some
> differences. Is it possible to describe those differences, or to give some
> examples?

Well, personally, I haven't seen something like the emergence of two
"schools" - actually, my impression is that we are all still following
our own "personal" school, when dealing with the use of SemWeb
technologies in the geo domain (and I'm not saying that this is
necessarily a bad thing). What I saw is an increasing amount of work
on the use of LD as a way to bridge geo technologies with Web
technologies, but, in my understanding, there's no homogeneity on how
this is done. The approach used depends on the use case, and this can
be seen just going through the presentations of the 2 LD sessions.


Received on Monday, 30 June 2014 08:21:57 UTC