Re: Whisper from the sidelines...

On 2014-01-03 22:50, Andrea Perego wrote:
> Dear all,
> Thanks a lot for contributing your translations. And a special thank 
> to Raphaël, for creating the page for the translations - I had the 
> same plan, but you've been faster :)
> I would also like to apologise for my not so prompt replies - I'm 
> still on holiday, and I can access my mails only occasionally.
> About Frans's comment ("it would be wise to go over the English texts 
> before starting with the translations"), this raises a more general 
> issue. The point is that the vocabulary is not yet stable so the 
> textual content may change. We need a mechanism to deal with this, and 
> to synchronise the translations with the possible updates to the 
> English text.
> I can take care of this next week (when I'm back). Meanwhile, any 
> suggestions?
What about just translating and publishing the labels for now and 
waiting for a stable vocabulary to add translations for the other things?

By the way, I got the impression that the terms having to do with 
addresses were inspired by INSPIRE. Does INSPIRE already have a set of 
multilingual labels and descriptions that we can borrow?

> Best,
> Andrea
> On Fri, Jan 3, 2014 at 5:39 PM, Raphaël Troncy 
> < <>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>         I've shared with your email address.
>     It does work, thanks! I had already a web protégé account bound to
>     my email address, I also think this is necessary.
>       Raphaël
>     -- 
>     Raphaël Troncy
>     EURECOM, Campus SophiaTech
>     Multimedia Communications Department
>     450 route des Chappes, 06410 Biot, France.
>     e-mail:
>     <> &
>     <>
>     Tel: +33 (0)4 - 9300 8242 <tel:%2B33%20%280%294%20-%209300%208242>
>     Fax: +33 (0)4 - 9000 8200 <tel:%2B33%20%280%294%20-%209000%208200>
>     Web: <>
> -- 
> Andrea Perego, Ph.D.
> European Commission DG JRC
> Institute for Environment & Sustainability
> Unit H06 - Digital Earth & Reference Data
> Via E. Fermi, 2749 - TP 262
> 21027 Ispra VA, Italy
> DE+RD Unit:
> ----
> The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may
> not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official
> position of the European Commission.

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Received on Monday, 6 January 2014 08:35:11 UTC