Re: Blur thinking about the future of money and payments, kilowat-hour as new money and how it can affect ILP Routing.

On 29 June 2017 at 17:03, Enrique Arizon Benito <> wrote:

> In this way *routing will be lead by the assets in the midst*, with
> electricity as flagship and connectors trying to find the faster/sorter
> path to a kilowat-hour highway, then fallback to anything else.

Electricity loses power the further your transmit it...This is why Quebec
(Canada) makes more electricity than it can use, but can not efficiently
export to the US because of losses in distribution. So are you saying
Electricity becomes a unit of measure, just like Slave Girls did in the
past? I.e the Slave Girls did not change hands but their value was used to
measure the value of other items that did change hands.

Tim Benest
General Manager

*EnterAcc S.A.*

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Received on Friday, 30 June 2017 12:34:52 UTC