Re: Technical Challenges session

On 22.09.2010 1:48, Andreas Harth wrote:
> On 09/22/2010 01:38 PM, Jeni Tennison wrote:
>> I'm just trying to put together some slides for my slot. I'm not sure
>> whether to make the main message "there are lots of challenges with
>> government data, which is why we use a linked data approach" or "there
>> are lots of challenges with using linked data for government data, which
>> we're trying to address like this". It depends on what the background of
>> the audience is.
>> Any thoughts?
> the first message would help us sell the idea of Linked Data to a general
> audience, while the second question would be interesting to a Linked Data
> crowd.
> I plan to show mostly demos with single-source data (as the majority of
> currently available apps fall into this category), with the outlook towards
> the potential for easily integrating data from many sources to derive
> insight.

 From my POV it would be good to have a combination of both:

We have huge technical challenges integrating heterogeneous public data 
sources, with Linked Data the situation somewhat simplified, but a 
number of issues remain to be solved.

I think this corresponds best to the networking sessions character, to 
devise a strategy for solving a problem and outlining RTD work which has 
to be done to implement the strategy.


Received on Wednesday, 22 September 2010 15:11:43 UTC