RE: [Fwd: 4.16 Transports]

Incorporated (at last!)

Also deleted the comment about RFC 2277.

Note: I modified the material about MIME to be more CharMod compliant (using character encoding, not charset, while indicating that the parameter is called charset in MIME).  I also wrote some experimental text about Content-Language and how it (doesn't actually) relate to locales.

I need to add a couple links and we need to address some of AV's comments.

Best Regards,


Addison P. Phillips
Director, Globalization Architecture
webMethods | Delivering Global Business Visibility
Chair, W3C Internationalization (I18N) Working Group
Chair, W3C-I18N-WG, Web Services Task Force

Internationalization is an architecture. 
It is not a feature.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> []On Behalf Of A. Vine
> Sent: 2004年6月10日 16:01
> To: I18n WSTF
> Subject: [Fwd: 4.16 Transports]
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 4.16 Transports
> Resent-Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 14:33:05 -0400 (EDT)
> Resent-From:
> Date: Wed, 14 Apr 2004 11:12:10 -0700
> From: A. Vine <andrea.vine@Sun.COM>
> Reply-To: andrea.vine@Sun.COM
> Organization: Sun Microsystems
> To: I18n WSTF <>
> Lots of modification should happen to this section, but I am not the right
> person to make them all.
> Someone at the F2F (Tex maybe?) had a lot more relevant 
> information on FTP than
> I do.  I'm happy to write it up if you give me the info or a pointer.
> I am not very happy with my intro - comments, changes, rewrites welcome.
> I think 4.16.4 "IRIs, URIs, and fun stuff" would be better 
> written by Martin.  I
> could take a shot at the "fun stuff" part ;-}
> --------------------------------------------------------
> 4.16 Transports
> Web services may use a variety of transport technologies and 
> protocols.  Many of
> these have parameters defined for data identification.  These 
> parameters are
> necessary for proper processing of international data.  The 
> specifics of several
> transport protocols are discussed in this section.
> 4.16.1 HTTP Accept-Language
> {Andrea's note: what about Content-Language?  And a blurb on 
> Content-Type is
> added below.  Maybe we should call this section "HTTP".}
> The HyperText Transport Protocol (HTTP) is often used for Web 
> service message
> transport.  HTTP contains some header fields which are useful for 
> identifying
> sender preferences and capabilities.  One of those fields is 
> Accept-Language.
> Accept-Language takes one or more language identifiers in RFC3066 (or its
> replacement) format as its parameters.  Each language identifier 
> can have a
> quality value which gives a relative priority.  Here is an example:
> {Andrea's note:  the below should be set off in the example 
> format, or indented
> and in a different font, or something}
> Accept-Language: zh-cn, fr-ch;q=0.8, fr;q=0.7
> The above could be read as "Simplified Chinese is preferred, but 
> Swiss French is
> acceptable, as are other types of French."  There is more 
> information about the
> handling of Accept-Language in the HTTP 1.1 specification.
> A Web service requester using HTTP can include an Accept-Language field to
> indicate the languages preferred.  The provider can then take 
> that information
> and use it to return human-readable data in the appropriate language.
> {Andrea's note: I put the below paragraph in because I think it 
> bears mentioning}
> The charset of the data can also be specified as a parameter of 
> the Content-Type
> header.  However, it is better to specify the SOAP document 
> charset inside the
> document itself, rather than to rely on the transport mechanism 
> to be the sole
> mechanism for identifying the charset.  If the charset specified 
> in HTTP doesn't
> agree with the charset inside the document, then the receiver must make a
> decision on how to resolve the problem.
> 4.16.2 FTP
> File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a simple transport mechanism that 
> can be used
> for Web service documents.  The main international consideration 
> in using FTP is
> to specify the representation type as I (Image), allowing 8-bit 
> values to pass
> unchanged through the transfer.
> File names, path names, and character encoding issues may intrude here.
> 4.16.3 SMTP
> Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) has no particular provisions for
> international data.  SMTP itself is limited to 7-bit data, but 
> can transport
> 8-bit data.  Its main restriction is an 8-bit gateway; that is, 
> encodings such
> as UTF-16 and UTF-32 may not be successfully transmitted and 
> should be avoided.
> MIME Tags
> Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) tags are necessary 
> for a multipart
> SOAP request, for example, a SOAP message with an attachment.  
> MIME contains a
> number of headers which may be used for international data.
> {somewhere we need to reference RFCs 2045-9, maybe as a MIME 
> reference in the
> reference section}
> MIME can be useful for identifying the charset of attachments which do not
> identify their own charset inside the attachment.  Examples of 
> such attachments
> are plain text documents which cannot contain a charset tag and 
> legacy markup
> documents which do not contain a charset tag by omission.  If the 
> attachment
> contains an internal charset tag, the MIME charset parameter 
> should be omitted
> to avoid an inadvertent mismatch.
> MIME can also contain a Content-Language tag.  While it is better 
> to indicate
> the document language inside the document itself, sometimes it 
> isn't possible.
> For example, if there is an image attachment which contains 
> embedded text, the
> Content-Language header can provide the language id.
> See the example in 4.5.2 Character Coding of Attachments.
> {Andrea's note:  add the following line to the attachments 
> example in 4.5.2 in
> the attachment MIME headers after Content-Type -
> Content-Language: fr
> This avoids having to make a separate example which would be very 
> similar.}
> 4.16.4 IRIs, URIs, and fun stuff
> {Martin's text here :-) }
> -- 
> I have always wished that my computer would be as easy to use as 
> my telephone. 
> My wish has come true. I no longer know how to use my telephone.
> -Bjarne Stroustrup, designer of C++ programming language (1950- )

Received on Friday, 11 June 2004 00:15:02 UTC