Re: Polish translation

On 09/05/2016 20:23, Pro Strona wrote:
> Hi
> I'm familiar with html and css. I can also understand and modify php
> although I cannot write it myself.
> I hope this will be enough.

ok, great! I'll send you the source file (in a separate email) in a zip 
along with the other files you need to see how the final page will look.

You need to edit the following two files only:

the actual content

any remaining english in the boilerplate text file at

Please check them using the checklist at
before returning.

You just need to send me the changed files, not the rest, and i'll 
review them and publish them.

Hope that sounds straightforward.  Any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


PS: please cc in your reply, so that i 
can find our discussions later in the archive.

Received on Tuesday, 10 May 2016 10:28:11 UTC