Example 28: Providing context to variables

I have an action item to find new examples for example 28, but on closer inspection I don't believe that this is necessary.  

I originally thought that these were intended to be examples of bad practise, but the opposite is actually true.  The example is showing how, when you have done the right thing wrt embedding variables, you should then provide information for the translator.

So I think the examples can stand as they are.

However, I would suggest one small improvement: add 'The printer' and 'The file' to the beginning of each sentence, as shown below.  Note that this was done for one sentence in the translation already.  I think it is good practice to state the subject of the sentence.

<strings xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its"
 xml:lang="en" its:version="1.0">
 <msg id="pmAdded">The printer <var arg="0" its:locNote="Printer name"/> 
  has been added to the list.</msg>
 <msg id="fmAdded">The file <var arg="0" its:locNote="Filename"/> 
  has been added to the list.</msg>


Richard Ishida
Internationalization Lead
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)


Received on Friday, 30 November 2007 16:15:17 UTC