Re: Action Item: rework 4.1.4 (cf.

Jirka Kosek wrote:
> Felix Sasaki wrote:
>> The best free tutorial I know is available at ZVON
>> .
>> The difference between two XPath expressions at the end of your proposal
>> is that //del/descendant-or-self::*/@* has 3 steps
>> //del
>> //descendant-or-self::*
>> /@*
>> whereas //@*[ancestor::del] has only one step and a predicate
>> //@*
>> [ancestor::del]
>> which is less effort to compute. Maybe we should add such an explanation
>> to the example (without the detailed steps).
> I would prefer not adding such explanation into example. The problem is
> that it is very hard to compare efficiency of two XPath expression as it
> depends on particular XPath implementation used. Clever optimizer can
> automatically rewrite former expression into later. Moreover in some
> expressions efficiency could depend on frequency of particular elements
> and attributes that are evaluated in XPath expression.

all good points. So let's drop the mentioning of specific XPath expressions.


Received on Thursday, 14 June 2007 21:09:38 UTC