RE: DITA Translation Subcommittee Meeting Minutes: 17 July 2006

Hi Felix,
Andrzej certainly is :)

I'm also glad that Andrzej and several of you insisted that we keep XPath expression rather than a list of element name for the
withinText data category: It will prove very handy here.

I was waiting for a definite resolution on whether or not <keyword> was to be treated differently before posting the updated version
of the ITS rules for DITA. But, basically this would be something like:

 <!-- Elements within text (inline) -->
 <its:withinText withinText="yes"
  selector="//boolean | //cite | //itemgroup | //keyword | //ph | //q | //state | //term |
   //tm | //xref | //b | //i | //sub | //sup | //tt | //u | //apiname | //codeph | //delim |
   //fragref | //kwd | //oper | //option | //parmname | //repsep | //sep | //synnoteref |
   //synph | //var | //cmdname | //filepath | //msgnum | //msgph | //systemoutput |
   //userinput | //varname | //menucascade | //shortcut | //uicontrol | //wintitle |
   //coords | //shape" />
 <!-- Elements within text (subflow) -->
 <its:withinText winthinText="nested"
  selector="//draft-comments | //required-cleanup | //alt | //fn | //indexterm |
   //keywords/keyword" />   


-----Original Message-----
From: Felix Sasaki [] 
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 6:45 AM
Subject: Re: DITA Translation Subcommittee Meeting Minutes: 17 July 2006

Hi Yves,

Gershon L Joseph wrote:

>     --ACTION-- Robert and JoAnn to work on wording of note to keyword element 
>     noting that it is considered inline when inside topics, but as standalone 
>     segments when inside <keywords> (in prolog).
>     --ACTION-- Rodolfo and Andrzej to investigate how translation tools can 
>     differentiate between these keyword elements as inline and standalone 
>     segments.

Do you think they are aware of elements within text?



Received on Friday, 21 July 2006 13:41:53 UTC