Re: Proposal 07

Sebastian Rahtz wrote:
> This is very sinple. It says
> ************
> proposal-07: add to the precedence rules a rule for "Selections
> inherited from other local usages of ITS markup"
> ************
> If we support mapping of existing attributes to data categories,
> we have to decide what happens if an ITS attribute and a mapped
> attribute are both supplied. So if we did have a translate mapping,
> we may encounter:
>  <p translate="yes" its:translate="no">
> and we need to know which is which.
> I suggest that specific ITS attributes on an element have
> the highest precedence. So the example above would get the "no"
> value for translate.

Is this necessary only for the enumerated values? So, if we give up
translateMap and dirMap, do we still need this? Maybe yes ... for cases like

<p>You need a new <qterm its:termRef="someUri"

To be able to say "@its:termRef wins, compared to @ref".

I would propose the same precedence order as Sebastian stated.

- Felix

Received on Friday, 17 March 2006 00:41:35 UTC