[ESW Wiki] Update of "its0504ReqPurposeSpecMap" by fsasaki

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The following page has been changed by fsasaki:

  Here, we specify that the original vocabulary (e.g. HTML) maps to ITS.
  The "img" in HTML e.g. maps to "graphic" in ITS.
+ A specific application scenario for this requirement is a 1:1 mapping from a vocabulary in one natural language (e.g. English) to a target language (e.g. Japanese). For highly technical vocabulary (e.g. in business documents), such a mapping can ease up the task of editing a document in the target language.
  A useful input for the specification of the mapping description can be [http://dsdl.org/0584.pdf]. This is a part of an ISO-effort to standardize various aspects of validation and XML-processing in general, see [http://dsdl.org/] for more information.

Received on Thursday, 1 September 2005 13:15:50 UTC