ITS/XLIFF1.2 Mapping Issue - mrk vs other inline codes

Hi everyone,

I had an action item to try to present some of the issues we are having in the ITS <-> XLIFF mapping

Here is a first one, I'll send other in separate email to have different threads.


The Terminology data category has a way to point to some information for a selected term.
We can use itsxlf:termInfoRef to carry that pointer, but in some cases--for example when the information is in a resource not
online--one need to get the actual information content and store it in some way that is accessible from the XLIFF document, and
adjust the itsxlf:termInfoRef value as well.

One of problems to resolve this is that there is no definition of what the information the its:termInfoRef value points to (it can
be a term entry in a TBX file, a definition, some Wikipedia article, etc.), so no obvious way to map it in a common way.

For reference:
- Current mapping:
- ITS specification:


Received on Monday, 8 July 2013 16:18:46 UTC