decorator batch in bash (was "Re: ITS IG Teleconf - Tuesday Sep-02-2008 At 15:00 UTC/GMT")

I found it very difficult to understand most of the conversation on
the call. While different accents are a mild impediment, and some of
the discussion is simply over my head, the biggest problem is the
phone line background noise (both buzz and typing) and echo.

In any case, I believe I understand one of our upcoming tasks is to
test the current version (0.2) of Felix's ITS Translate Decorator
using an XSLT 1.0 processor. I will try to do the following by at
least the October teleconference, if not September:
* write shell front-ends for xsltproc and saxon on Mac OS X and
  GNU/Linux (Debian)
* test them on the test files provided in example/
* once that works, send them along (here? send directly to Felix? I
  can't post or put things in discussion section of wiki, I don't
* using front-end test ITS Translate Decorator itself on 3 or 4
  different documents in 2 or 3 different markup languages
* post result or summary (here)

Received on Tuesday, 2 September 2008 15:52:23 UTC