Re: NFC in HTML5 (was: RE: Slots for Cyrillic Accented Vowels)

"Phillips, Addison" <>, 2011-05-26 09:31 -0700:

[quoting somebody]
> > I complained that HTML5 or validator
> > *requires* NFC.
> > This might be a bug in the validator and not actually a requirement of HTML5.
> I believe that the W3C I18N WG does not support or think that it is a
> good idea for HTML5 to require NFC--but I'm not aware of any normative
> language in the HTML5 spec that requires it. This page [1] suggests that
> the normalizer was added to the validator in response to Charmod-Norm
> (which does not actually require NFC). If someone has a pointer to an NFC
> requirement in HTML5, it would be most appreciated if you could forward
> it to (or to me privately if you prefer).

For the record: There is no NFC requirement in HTML5. The fact that the
HTML5 facet of the W3C markup validator currently reports non-NFC as a
error is a bug in the backend that the HTML5 facet relies on.

I'll fix that bug and push it to the W3C markup validator next week.

The fix is that the same message will be emitted but it will be a
warning-level message instead of an error-level one -- because I'm told
that's what would be consistent with current i18n best-practices guidance
with regard to NFC.  But if anybody thinks the HTML5 validator should not
emit a warning for non-NFC (in content as well as in attributes), please
let me know.


Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Saturday, 28 May 2011 05:35:05 UTC