Re: Simplified or traditional for each Chinese macrolanguage

On Wed, Jul 27, 2016, at 05:21 PM, Ambrose LI wrote:
> Well, zh-min-nan certainly is (or at least was) a valid tag, since it
> has been IANA registered. So is zh-guoyu. If this thread hadn't
> somehow caught my attention, I would still be writing zh-guoyu a year
> from now (as I've always done) when I needed to make the distinction
> and I'd never even think of writing it as "zh-cmn".

Oh, okay, then I guess we probably should add
> zh-min-nan=zh-TW
> zh-guoyu=zh-TW
to the list as well. Although guoyu is basically cmn, we don't usually
call it Guo Yu in mainland China, I believe.

- Xidorn

Received on Wednesday, 27 July 2016 07:26:42 UTC