Trivial proofreading comments on the draft (unless you are rewriting these sections) "Additional Requirements for Bidi in HTML"

Hi, here are a few very trivial proofreading corrections for the first two parts (not part 3) of the draft at:

first section "The Problem"
par 1
"Many web applications with an RTL-language interface or an RTL-language data source need to display and accept as input both LTR and RTL data. Furthermore, the application often does not know and can not control the direction of the data."
{ COMMENT: typo? Change "can not" to "Cannot" ("cannot" is normally one word!) }
"Many web applications with an RTL-language interface or an RTL-language data source need to display and accept as input both LTR and RTL data. Furthermore, the application often does not know and cannot control the direction of the data."

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second section entitled "Not the problem"
{ COMMENT: A different subheading -- "A Clarification" or "Notes" -- would be prosaic and less-than-witty but would say exactly what you want to say I think . . .
A possibility: "Problems discerning direction: Not problems with markup" plus a note to see section 2.1 for problems with markup; "Clarifications: Problems discerning base direction versus problems with markup" or something is what your topic is }

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second section "Not the problem," par 2 ff

"This is distinct from a different, harder issue: text mixing LTR and RTL without using the formatting characters necessary to display it intelligibly using standard UBA rules."
{ COMMENT: a reference back to section 2.1 would be nice . . . or are these not really what is discussed in section 2.1? }
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Third section "Proposed Solution" first par
"Being able to tell the browser to do such flips automatically would make it that much easier for web applications to support both LTR and RTL interfaces. Only one image would be provided by the page, and the  element's attributes would not even have to differ between LTR and RTL pages"
{ COMMENT: "differ" should be "differentiate"? Or perhaps rather since the attributes are not differentiating
"between" should be simply "for" or "on" }
"Being able to tell the browser to do such flips automatically would make it that much easier for web applications to support both LTR and RTL interfaces. Only one image would be provided by the page, and the  element's attributes would not even have to differ for LTR and RTL pages"
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That's all I have through the end of 2.4; I still have to go through 3 carefully . . .
--C. E. Whitehead 		 	   		  

Received on Monday, 20 September 2010 20:51:20 UTC