[hcg] status reports and agenda items for May 18 call

Dear HCG,
Please send status reports and agenda items for the May  18 HCG call. 
Last time Art had a suggestion that we don't need to generate status reports
specifically for the HCG, but we can point to an actively maintained status
page for each coordinated group, and Art sent a link to his status page. I
think that's a good idea, and I would be happy to routinely include any
status links in the HCG agendas, just send me the links.
I think we should also discuss the call time tomorrow. Paul had a suggestion
for rotating the time, which is a reasonable suggestion, as long as people
still attend when the call rotates to their inconvenient time. Otherwise,
we'll just have two non-overlapping subsets of the HCG on each call.

Minutes from the previous call (April 20).


Received on Thursday, 17 May 2012 16:17:14 UTC