Re: Hydra Design Goals: How important is RDF?

> With "How
> important is RDF", I don't mean "I want to remove RDF".

Alright, so then we're not assessing the importance of RDF

> just because something is possible
> to express in RDF should not make its serialization in JSON
> unimportant.

Sure, but then the subject of this thread should be "how important is the convenience of the JSON-LD serialization". And I don't think anybody disagrees it is important.

It does mean we can pay some extra attention to the development of the JSON-LD context. But this is orthogonal to the design of the Hydra Core Vocabulary.

> acknowledges the fact that syntax is important and it should be made
> understandable regardless of the fact that it expresses RDF graphs and
> regardless of whether the consumer of the syntax has heard of RDF
> before or not.

Of course.


Received on Friday, 2 October 2015 18:56:42 UTC