Re: Relation between Hydra classes and RDF classes

Hi Ryan and all,

> The only potential problem I can see here is that, by conflating
> `skos:ConceptScheme` with the API class, we lose the ability to
> describe other resources, which may not be under the control of our
> API, as instances of `skos:ConceptScheme`, without implying that those
> external resources also support the same operations and properties.
> If this is *not* OK, then should we assume that 1) RDF classes for
> modeling data and, 2) Hydra classes for modeling resources and their
> supported operations and properties, are completely orthogonal, so
> that, in this example, we need to define `ex:vocab#ConceptScheme` and
> `ex:vocab#Concept` Hydra classes?
IMHO you could also define your ex:vocab#ConceptScheme as hydra:Class AND
as subclass of skos:ConceptScheme.
That way you are saying that the instances of your class
ex:vocab#ConceptScheme are instances of skos:ConceptScheme class AND
support a specific set of Hydra operations.

Does it make sense?


Received on Saturday, 7 November 2015 20:15:51 UTC