Re: TPF/LDF - why the explicit coupling with Hydra?

That explains, it thanks. Like you said, the interchangeability of "Hydra"
with "Hydra Core Vocabulary" was my primary point of confusion.


On 22 March 2015 at 09:02, Ruben Verborgh <> wrote:

> Hi Nathan,
> Perhaps it's best to get terminology straight first:
> – “Hydra” is a W3C community group concerning the development of
> interoperable, hypermedia-driven Web APIs
> In this working group, we discuss:
> – “Hydra Core Vocabulary” is an RDF ontology with hypermedia API concepts
> such as hypermedia controls
> – “Linked Data Fragments” is a framework to examine queryable Linked Data
> APIs.
> > LDF is a conceptual framework and TPF is just one possible (Hydra-based)
> implementation for LDF.
> That's right (with “Hydra” being short for ”Hydra Core Vocabulary”).
> > Given that there are many things that could be implemented (or proposed)
> using Hydra semantics, why the explicit side-by-side promotion of LDF and
> TPF on the Hydra website?
> Because Hydra is more than only the Hydra Core Vocabulary.
> TPF depends on the Hydra Core Vocabulary, but not the other way round.
> Both TPF and the Core Vocabulary are in the Hydra W3C Community Group.
> > The presentational style suggests that to know Hydra, one should also
> understand LDF and TPF
> That's correct: to know the Hydra W3C Community Group entirely,
> you should understand the Hydra Core Vocabulary, LDF, and TPF.
> > I just don't quite understand why the two are presented in a style that
> suggests that they're implicitly coupled somehow.
> Part of this is likely because on this list, “Hydra” and “Hydra Core
> Vocabulary”
> are often used interchangeably, while they are actually different things.
> I try to help clear up this confusion by consistently using “Hydra Core
> Vocabulary”;
> perhaps this is something we could start using in general.
> Best regards,
> Ruben

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Received on Sunday, 22 March 2015 03:07:41 UTC