RE: Hydra Core namespace URI / @context ?


On 12 Nov 2014 at 20:12, ☮ elf Pavlik ☮ wrote:
> On 11/12/2014 06:17 PM, Hendy Irawan wrote:
> Hi Hendry,
> To my understanding
>> In the Hydra spec I see hydra being represented as:
>> 1. "@context": {
>>   "hydra": "",
> namespace / prefix in *local* context so hydra:foo will extend to

Yeah, this defines a prefix "hydra" which is mapped to "". So all compact URLs of the form hydra:suffix will get expanded by a JSON-LD processor to

>> 2. "@context": "",
> here we have *remote* context, processor may need to do HTTP request
> with Content-Type application/ld+json to get it and then process document

As Pavlik said, this references a remote context. That remote context defines terms that you can then directly use in your JSON-LD document (meaning you don't have to use prefixes etc.). You can for example simply write

     "@context": "",
     "@type": "Collection",
     "totalItems": 125,
     "member": [

>> 3. "@id": "",
> URI of hydra core vocabulary itself (!= jsonld context, since any other
> RDF serialization can use it)

You probably found that in appendix A of the spec [1] which shows the definition of the Hydra vocabulary. It's a bit unfortunate that the properties are reordered, but if you scroll to the end of that appendix you'll see that it is really the vocabulary (or the owl:Ontology) that is being defined here.

>> Which one is correct? How does a JSON-LD client knows that (presumably?)
>> all three URIs are the same thing?
> so all of them meant something different, and one just need to choose
> depending on what one tries to refer to

Which one is right, depends on what you want to do. If you want to use prefixes in your JSON-LD document, use the prefix definition shown at the beginning. If you don't want to use prefixes, simply import the remote context by adding either 

   "@context": "",


  "@context": "",

to your document. Both return exactly the same document. I'm still a bit on the fence myself what's easier to understand for users. I'm currently leaning towards the latter as it is shorter and one URL less to remember.

>> If I write a pure Hydra document with a single @context, what should I use:
>> 1.  "@context": "",

This is fine, yes.

>> 2. "@context": "",

This is basically the same as the one above. It just does an additional HTTP redirection. Both really return the same document and that all that counts for a remote context.

>> What's the difference?

Effectively there isn't any.

>> And which one is "easiest" for a (rather naive)
>> client to consume, but still ability to distinguish properties from
>> different namespaces? (Without being a "full" compliance to entire spec)

How naïve is the client? Is it able to process JSON-LD? If so, there's no difference. If it doesn't, then well... it depends on what you hardcoded into your client :-)



Markus Lanthaler

Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2014 23:07:30 UTC