Re: proposal: have W3C HTML5 reference dated WHATWG URL standard rather than W3C copy

[trimming cc list]

On 09/27/2014 10:19 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:
>  > I don't fully see the value of asking a question of the form "if the
> WebApps Working Group were to do something that they appear to be
> unwilling or unable to do, would you approve of it?"
>  >
> Am I doing that? As I said, looking at the thread it seems like there is
> considerably agreement.  Am I missing it?  Who in the WG is unwilling or
> unable/why - can you clarify?

The best short version remains PLH's statement:

I can assure you that if a document like the one you describe were to be 
made to exist that it would be included as an option for the Director to 

Longer version: this mailing list (public-html) is for the HTML WG.

This is the current charter for the HTML WG:

Note that "URL" is not in that charter.

Here is the WebApps charter:

Note that "URL" is in that charter.

Here is the latest URL draft published by WebApps:

Note the date on that document (2012).

Here is a statement of intent to publish a new document on 16 September 

Here is the mailing list for WebApps:

- Sam Ruby

Received on Sunday, 28 September 2014 02:42:57 UTC