Re: is it necessary to disambiguate (using markup) inline notes,citations and original markup? [was] use of <mark> to denote notes in quoted text

Leif Halvard Silli, Sun, 8 Sep 2013 19:50:23 +0200:
> Yes, notes, including <cite> and <footer> - which - is my idea - would 
> have to be place inside a <note> element in order to be conforming (or 
> at least: may be it should be conforming to not place it in <note>, but 
> only <note> would reliably separate it from the original text). The 
> <note> element should be possible to use multiple times within the same 
> quote, and it should have content model similar to <ins> and <del> 
> (namely, either inline or block, depending on how one uses it). 

And may be, when a boolean @ellipsis attribute is present, a <note 
ellipsis></note> should have “… …” as (generated) content.

Thus this:

   Yes, notes, including <cite> and <footer> <note ellipsis></note> 

Would be rendered like so:

   Yes, notes, including <cite> and <footer> … … would

And so, if someone adds the word “snip“ as content of <note ellipsis>, 
this would result in this:

   Yes, notes, including <cite> and <footer> … snip … would
leif halvard silli

Received on Sunday, 8 September 2013 18:19:16 UTC