Week 24 (2013-06-17) - WHATWG patches cherry-picked to HTML 5.1

Here are the most recent patches from our feature/whatwg branch [1] applied to master. The HTML 5.1 spec is in sync with the WHATWG spec up to SVN r7974. There are a number of new changes in the WHATWG spec that haven't yet reached our own feature/whatwg branch, so much more to come.

[e] (0) Clarify further the use of 'Object object' in structured clone algorithm (9793)

[e] (0) Consistency with encoding spec (7974)

Please file a bug or reply to this thread if you find any issues.


[1] https://github.com/w3c/html/commits/feature/whatwg  

Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2013 21:06:39 UTC