Re: Context of the main element

Bruce wrote:
> AFAIU, <main> is for the beginning of the main content of the page.  It's the destination of "skip links", so AT users don't have to hear logos, navs, toolbars, headline tickers, social meeja buttons. It has a 1-to-1 mapping with role=main, which is only allowed once.

Right …but there's also a 1-to-1 mapping between role="navigation" and the nav element in a document that is scoped to the body. But the nav element is allowed more than once within a document. So I think that main could work the same way: the main element that is scoped to the body is the one that maps to role="main" (and can be used by "skip links") while main elements within sectioning content don't get the same 1-to-1 mapping.

> There's isn't main content of an aside.

Yes, there is. Right now the only way of figuring it out is to apply the Scooby-doo algorithm at a smaller scale i.e. whatever isn't in a header or footer of the aside must, by deduction, be the main content.

> By definition, aside is an aside and not "main". There isn't main content of an article; article is part of main content.

At the document level, that is true. But each piece of sectioning content is, in effect, a mini-document within the larger document. Each piece of sectioning content has its own outline. So each piece of sectioning content does have "main" content.


Jeremy Keith

a d a c t i o

Received on Thursday, 31 January 2013 17:23:31 UTC