Re: Encrypted Media proposal: Summary of the discussion so far

On Mar 9, 2012, at 1:24 PM, David Dorwin <> wrote:

> I understand CDM APIs may have some goodies in them, like activating phone-home features and so on; I don't think that's what is being asked.
> They're asking for the real information required for them to support existing CDMs. Some dll names and API headers.
> As far as I know, this information doesn't exist yet since there aren't currently any CDM implementations. While there are existing decryption systems that perform some of the same functionality, it's not a given that they will be used as-is with the same DLL names, APIs, etc. For one thing, today the decryption functionality is often one part of a larger product or stack.

Given Netflix's confidence that multiple protection schemes can be targeted from one API, I've got the impression that they can share which hooks they use to pass a stream on various devices.

Hoping, anyway.

Received on Friday, 9 March 2012 23:15:42 UTC