Re: Decentralized poetry markup (language)

Tab Atkins Jr., Tue, 19 Jan 2010 12:36:42 -0600:
> On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Leif Halvard Silli
> <> wrote:
>> So, with HTML5 we get two kinds of text/HTML: "real" text/HTML and
>> XHTML text/HTML. The latter gives us much more freedom than HTML5.
> The latter does not exist.  If a file is served with the text/html
> mimetype, it is an HTML document, and is processed according to HTML
> rules.  If it is served with one of the xml mimetypes, it is an XML
> document, and is processed according to XML rules.  That is all.
> There is no longer any such thing as "XHTML served as text/html".

The W3 validator allows me to validate a XHTML document served as 
text/HTML. While the service has draconian handling of 
"XHTML served as text/html": it doesn't permit validation of 
XTML-served-as-text/HTML at all, but simply emits a "IO Error: Non-XML 
Content-Type: text/html" if you try to force it to do so. This is so 
because it treats the MIME type as authoritative - or, if you wish, 
because it refuse to look at the syntax if the MIME isn't right.

However, unless the W3C Validator is changed to behave the same 
draconian way, then there is no problem what so ever in serving XHTML 
as text/HTML. That UAs then will treat is as text/HTML is of course 
clear - and also the intent.
leif halvard silli

Received on Tuesday, 19 January 2010 19:33:37 UTC