Re: URL parsing

On 23.04.2010 00:03, Adam Barth wrote:
> I haven't been paying that close attention to all the machinations
> around URL parsing in this working group, but I've been looking into
> URL parsing a bit recently.  In case it's useful to this working group
> (or the IETF's URL working group), I've attached some raw data on how
> various browsers parse URLs.  These tests are from this test suite:
> which is adapted from these unit tests:
> I might send a summary of my findings after I analyze the data.
> Enjoy!
> Adam

Hi Adam,

very interesting.

Here's a question; picking a random test case; scheme name normalization:

   PASS canonicalize('HTTP://') is ''

Could you explain based on the HTML5 spec (in doubt an earlier version 
which doesn't yet rely on the IRI spec) why it's expected that the 
scheme name get's lowercased?

Best regards, Julian

Received on Wednesday, 28 April 2010 15:00:10 UTC